In a broad sense, I am interested in Discrete Geometry and its applications to Communications. Below are some topics to which I have contributed.

Publications by Topic

Mathematical Challenges of Applied Computer Vision

A recent interest is how to

Reliability of Cloud Storage Systems

Reliability analysis of coded storage systems; geometry of polytopes [J4], [C10], [C9]

Lattices Codes, Channel Coding and related problems

Universal codes for wireless channels, lattice Gaussian distributions, algebraic codes [J1], [J6],[J7] [C13], [C12], [C2]

Low Delay Codes for Continuous Alphabets Sources

Constructive combined source and channel codes; curve-packing problems, projections; [J2], [J3], [C8], [C6], [C5]

Coding and Combinatorics

Existence of perfect codes and tilings in different metrics: [J5], [C11], [C7], [C4]
Computer-aided approaches to combinatorial problems. Support computational data/codes for [J5] can be found here

Other (collaborations outside math, etc...)

Cryptography [C1] and Experimental Physics [O1-O2]


Most Recently Submitted/In Preparation

[P5] "AWGN-Goodness is Enough: Capacity-Achieving Lattice Codes based on Dithered Probabilistic Shaping", with D. Dadush (submitted, arXiv version)
[P4] "Non-existence of perfect Lee codes with packing radius 2 for infinitely many dimensions", with C. Qureshi and S. Costa (submitted to the IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, special issue to the memory of S. Golomb)
[P3] "Semantically Secure Codes for Compound MIMO Channels", with C. Ling and J.-C. Belfiore (preprint)
[P2] "Compute-and-Forward for Block-Fading Channels via Algebraic Lattice Codes" (accepted for presentation at ISIT 2017, pdf)
[P1] "Multilevel Code Construction for Compound Fading Channels" (accepted for presentation at ISIT 2017, pdf).

Journal Papers

[J7] "Random Ensembles of Lattices from Generalized Reductions" (under revision, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory arXiv)

[J6] "Universal Lattice Codes for MIMO Channels", with C. Ling and J.-C. Belfiore (under revision, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, arXiv version here) (extended and corrected version of [C13-14])

[J5] Campello, A.; Jorge, G. C.; Strapasson, J. E.; Costa, S. I. R. "Perfect Codes in the l_p metric", European Journal of Combinatorics, v. 53, pp. 72-85, 2016 (pdf, support computational files)

[J4] Vaishampayan, V.; Campello, A.; "Reliability of Erasure Coded Systems: A Combinatorial-Geometric Approach" IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, v.61, no.11, 5795 - 5809, 2015 (pdf)

[J3] Campello, A.; Strapasson, J.; Costa, S. I. R. "On projections of arbitrary lattices", Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 43 (9): 2377-2583, 2013 (pdf)

[J2] Campello, A.; Torezzan, C; Costa, S. I. R. "Curves on flat tori and analog source-channel codes" IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 59(10): 6646-6654, 2013 (pdf)

[J1] Campello, A.; Strapasson, J., "On sequences of projections of the cubic lattice", Computational and Applied Mathematics, Springer, 32(1):57-69,  2013 (pdf)

Conference Papers

[C14] Campello, A., Ling, C., Belfiore, J.-C. "Algebraic Lattice Codes Achieving the Capacity of the Ergodic Fading Channel" IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Cambridge, UK, 2016,

[C13] Campello, A., Ling, C., Belfiore J.-C. "Algebraic Lattice Codes Achieve the Capacity of the Compound Block-Fading Channel" IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Barcelona, Spai, 2016. arXiv)

[C12] Campello, A. and Belfiore, J.-C., "Sampling Algorithms for Lattice Gaussian Codes", recently presented at the International Zurich Seminar on Communications (IZS), Zurich, Switzerland, 2016

[C11] Campello, A.; Vaishampayan, V. "A Generalization of Montucla's Rectangle-to-Rectangle Dissection to Higher Dimensions" Workshop on Coding & Cryptography (WCC), Paris, France, 2015 (pdf)

[C10] Campello, A.; Vaishampayan, V. "Set Avoidance Probabilities and Bounds on the Reliability of Erasure Coded Storage Systems", IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Hobart, Australia, 2014 (pdf)

[C9] Campello, A.; Vaishampayan, V., "Reliability of Erasure Coded Systems: A Geometric Approach", IEEE BigData 2013 (Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for BigData) (pdf).

[C8] Campello, A.; Vaishampayan, V.; Costa, S. I. R., "Projections, Dissections and Bandwidth Expansion Mappings", IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Sevilla, Spain, 2013 (pdf)

[C7] Jorge G. C.; Campello, A.; Costa, S. I. R., "q-ary lattices in the lp norm and a generalization of the Lee metric", Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC), Bergen, Norway, 2013 (pdf) - A preliminary version (in Portuguese) appeared at the Brazilian Symposium of Telecommunications.

[C6] Costa, S. I. R; Torezzan, C.; Campello, A.; Vaishampayan, V., "Flat tori lattices, and spherical codes", Information Theory and Applications (ITA), San Diego, CA, USA, 2013 (Invited Paper) (pdf)

[C5] Campello, A.; Torezzan, C.; Costa, S. I. R.; "Curves on torus layers and coding for continuous alphabet sources", IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), MIT, Boston, USA, 2012 (pdf)

[C4] Campello, A.; Jorge, G. C.; Costa, S. I. R, "q-ary lattices in the lp norm and a generalization of the Lee metric." (in Portuguese), XXX Brazilian Symposium of Telecommunications (SBrT), 2012 - This paper received the best paper award from the Brazilian Telecommunications Society.

[C3] Jorge, G.C.; Campello, A.; Costa, S. I. R.; "A study of Construction B lattices" (in Portuguese), XXX Brazilian Telecommunications Symposium (SBrT), 2012

[C2] Campello, A.; Jorge, G. C.; Costa, S. I. R.; "Decoding q-ary lattices in the Lee metric", IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Paraty - RJ, Brazil, 2011 (pdf)

[C1] Silva, R.; Campello, A.; Dahab, R.; "LWE-based identificaton schemes", IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Paraty - RJ, Brazil, 2011(pdf)

Collaborations Outside Math

[O1] Stroppa D. et al, Montoro L., Campello, A., Garcia L., Beltran A., Leite E. R., Ramirez A. J., "Prediction of dopant atom distribution on nanocrystals using thermodynamic arguments", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 16, n. 3, pp. 1089-1094, 2014

[O2] Stroppa D. et al, Montoro L., Campello, A., Garcia L., Beltran A., Leite E. R., Ramirez A. J., "A Thermodynamic Approach to Predict Dopant Atoms Segregation on Nanocrystals", Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 17, n. S2, pp. 1458-1459, 2011

Selected Talks/Posters

"Random Ensembles with Multiplicative Structure", Univeristy of York, 2016 (pdf)

"Reliability of Erasure Coded Storage Systems: A Geometric Approach", 2014 Seminar of Discrete Mathematics and Codes, University of Campinas (pptx)

"Projections, Dissections and Bandwidth Expansion Mappings", 2013 North American School of Information Theory, Purdue University (poster)

"Curves on torus layers and coding for continuous alphabet source", 2012 North American School of Information Theory, Cornell University (poster)

"Projections of the cubic lattice and its applications", EPFL, 2011(talk)

PhD Thesis

Lattices, Projections, and Applications to Information Theory, PhD Thesis, University of Campinas, 2014 (pdf in portuguese. If you want an english version, please contact me)