Antonio Campello
Postdoctoral Research Associate
a.campello [at] imperial [dot] or campello [at] ime [dot] unicamp [dot] br
About Me

My research relies on methods from Information Theory, Discrete Geometry and Number Theory to build reliable and secure data transmission schemes.
I am currently leading a research knowledge partnership, jointly with London-based company Filament AI, InnovateUK and the University of Essex on applied machine learning. This partnership granted us the best knowledge transfer partnership associate award of the year.
On the left: A fauvist version of myself made with convolutional neural networks. Here is a more professional photo.
Here is why I think research in mathematics should be funded.
News: Talks/Conferences
- Jan/2019: My student G. Strey has submitted her first paper, "Perfect Codes in Euclidean Lattices: Bounds and Case Studies", to ISIT 2019.
- Jan/2019: Our research partnership with the University of Essex has granted us the best knowledge transfer partnership associate award of the year 2018. A promotion video for the award can be found here.
- Dec/2018: The paper "AWGN Goodness is Enough", with D. Dadush and C. Ling, has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
- Sep/2018: The paper "Universal Lattice Codes for MIMO Channels", with C. Ling and J.-C. Belfiore has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
- Mar/2018: I will deliver a talk on "Dithered Probabilistic Shaping" at DSTL.
- Mar/2018: I will be presenting the paper "Semantically Secure Codes for Compound MIMO Channels" at the International Zurich Seminar for Information and Communication
- Feb/2018: My single-author paper "Random Ensembles of Lattices from Generalized Reductions" has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
- Jan/2018: The paper ''Non-existence of perfect Lee codes with packing radius 2 for infinitely many dimensions'' has been accepted to the Transactions on Information Theory, Special Issue in memory of S. Golomb
- Oct/2017: Co-organised, together with Patricia Arias and Vint Cert, the workshop ``Mathematical Foundations of Cyber Security'' at the HLF.
Here is a WIKI-page with the content of the workshop, which includes Differential Privacy, Digital Authentication and Post-Quantum Crypto, and here are two pictures. - Oct/2017: Invited academic guest at Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland (01/08-07/08).
- Sept/2017: One of young researchers selected to the Heidelberg Laureate Forum.
- July/2017: This Spring we will be reading Cassel's Introduction to Diophantine Approximations in our reading group at Imperial College. Drop me an e mail or just pop in if you want to participate.
- July/2017: Two papers accepted for presentation at ISIT 2017
- Week on Coding and Information choosen as an official sattelite event of the International Congress of Mathematicians 2018 (official announcement)
- Jan/2017: Invited talk on ``Capacity-Achieving codes for MIMO and fading channels'' at Huawei Research Lab, France (23/01)
- 2016: Invited talk on Random Algebraic Lattices at the Optimization Seminar, CWI, the Netherlands